
SALE!!! Fed Up Program



#176 – How To Qualify a Lead

How to Qualify A Lead

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Want to Listen? Listen Here…” margin_design_tab_text=””]   How to qualify a lead is what Investor’s Edge University’s Bill Twyford covers in this episode of Investing on the Go. First, […]

#152 – Green Eggs and Ham

Green Eggs and Ham

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Want to Listen? Listen Here…” margin_design_tab_text=””] [/ultimate_heading]   Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss is Dwan’s illustration of how to be and how not to be. In fact, […]

#150 Bill Twyford – The Real Estate Rock Star

Bill Twyford - The Real Estate Rock Star

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]https://vimeo.com/517425632 [ultimate_heading main_heading=”Want to Listen? Listen Here…” margin_design_tab_text=””] https://chtbl.com/track/DB92F6/traffic.libsyn.com/secure/dwanderful/150_Bill_Twyford_-_The_Real_Estate_Rock_Star_March_4th.mp3 [/ultimate_heading] Bill Twyford, the Real Estate Rock Star, is the special guest in this episode of Inside the Minds of Millionaires. […]

#100 How to Handle a Fearful Homeowner

How to Handle A Fearful Homeowner

How to handle a fearful homeowner is a valuable technique that Bill shares in this episode. In fact, he shares everything you need to know about the modes that homeowners […]

#73 Churches and Pawn Shops

Investing on the Go: Buying Time for Homeowners

Churches and pawn shops are key locations for real estate investment opportunities. In this episode of Investing on the Go, Dwan’s husband, Bill, shares how to drive dollars while helping […]

In a Nutshell, A “Short Sale” is Negotiating with a Mortgage Holder

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/207319909″ title=”Anna made $7,000″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] WHAT IS A SHORT SALE? In a nutshell, a “short sale” is negotiating with a mortgage holder to accept less than what is owed as payment […]