
SALE!!! Fed Up Program



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On episode 11 of The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever, Dwan shares what God has laid on her heart for the Podcast in 2019. She resisted starting a podcast for a year or so before finally launching it in October 2018 and she is so glad that she did! Dwan talks about the different seasons of life aligning with the 4 seasons that the Podcast will go through this year and she reflects on the changes she plans to make personally to become more of her authentic self.

Time Stamped Show Notes

  • 4:07 – Dwan has 30 years of experience in the real estate investing industry and she wants to help you be successful.
  • 7:01 – Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 – This year’s Podcast will be organized into seasons.
  • 9:51 – You could be in a season of children, grandchildren, podcasting, teaching, being financially free, etc.
  • 10:57 – Each quarter of 2019 will be a new season and a new topic on the Podcast.
  • 13:32 – Dwan has felt led into this season of podcasting and teaching, and she will have new content on Dwanderful.com 7 days a week.
  • 18:08 – For Dwan, she has gone through a few seasons of personal appearance adjustments. In her 50s, she decided not to look like a cardboard cutout of everyone else but dress the way that made her happy.  This led her to stop accepting speaking invitations if they weren’t going to be ok with whatever she wore.
  • 21:32 – When Dwan turns 60 in February, she is going to be 100% herself and not compromise.
  • 22:08 – Dwan gave away most of her suits to Goodwill.
  • 25:08 – “Dwanderfulness” is 24/7, and she is sure that it is exhausting to be around, but that is who she is.
  • 26:50 – In her 60s, Dwan will be pursuing her God-given desires.
  • 27:28 – Dwan outlines the changes to her website, including the shift from opinion blogs on Mondays to Bible Studies from time to time. She talks about Malachi 3:10 and 1 Timothy 6:10 in relation to tithing to the local church and giving offerings to family and friends in need.
  • 35:08 – She distinguishes between blessings on earth (accolades from people) and blessings in heaven.
  • 35:58 – Dwan talks about the power of what your money can do for other people and gives some examples.
  • 40:38 – In 2019, the Dwanderful.com website is going to be consistently posting new content: Mondays will be a Blog Post and an occasional Bible Study video, Tuesdays will be a new Podcast Video, Wednesdays will be Dwan’s LIVE Coaching Call for members, Thursdays will be Dwandonaires in the Making videos, and Fridays will be Foreclosure Beat News.
  • 43:41 – Your assignment this week is to write out your goals for the year in the categories of the 5 equities of life: spiritual, financial, family, emotional/mental, and physical.

Connect with Dwan:





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