
SALE!!! Fed Up Program



Commission Agreements

Commission Agreements   The way that brokers are paid are usually spelled out in the commission agreement.  Sometime the formula changes, but the terms and conditions are usually kept the […]

#81 Take Stock of Where You Are Today

Take Stock of Where You Are Today

Take stock of where you are today. In this episode, Dwan encourages listeners as she highlights the five equities of life. Then, she invites you to assess each one individually. […]

#72 Ayla Asks Questions About Joint Ventures

Dwan and Ayla Answer Frequently Asked Questions

Ayla asks questions about joint ventures, and Dwan explains everything you need to know. In fact, Dwan shares how to protect yourself. Also, Dwan also shares her honest opinion including […]

#71 Investing On the Go

Investing on the Go: Buying Time for Homeowners

Investing on the Go is a Saturday series with Bill Twyford, Dwan’s husband, and you’re invited to join them for this inaugural episode. First, Dwan and Bill share his story. […]

#70 Pros and Cons of Rentals

Pros and Cons of Rentals

Pros and cons of owning rentals is Dwan’s topic to kick of March Madness. First, she shares insightful tips about landlord protection. Next, she shares personal lessons she has learned […]

Boost Your Spain Property Rental Profits with Viral Marketing

[vc_row inner_container=”” no_margin=”” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none” marginless_columns=””][vc_column fade=”” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px”][vc_column_text][text_output] If you are pressed for time and tenants, you’ll want to read this! Property rentals can be very lucrative if […]

Austin Home Prices are Deceiving

Austin Home Prices are Deceiving   Don’t let the median price of an Austin home fool you! There is no denying that the median value of homes in the Austin […]