
SALE!!! Fed Up Program



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In this episode of The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever, Dwan continues “Flipping February ” by walking you step by step through the contract process. Her tip this week is that is completely legal to do a double closing.  Dwan explains how you can make a contract work for you by adding to and subtracting from contracts.

Dwan includes an important homework assignment that you will not want to miss. She also shares the name of the product that she insists is making a difference in her general health and her goal to be in remission from RA. 

Dwan requests for you to kindly subscribe and share the podcast with your social media channels for two days.  The listenership is up 48% and she’d love to see that number grow higher with your help.  Happy February and happy flipping!

Time Stamps:

  • :59 Dwan welcomes you to the most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever; where the motto is “People before profits”.
  • 1:13 Dawn’s goal is to teach you how to become a successful real estate investor while helping people who are in a distressed situation.  It’s a win-win for everyone.
  • 1:36 Dwan introduces herself as America’s most sought-after real estate investor.
  • 1:42 Dwan wants you to listen each week as she shares in detail the steps to your success.
  • 2:01 Dwan says if you follow what she says to do, you’ll make money!
  • 2:31 Dwan makes a decision to return to her original word, “family”, as she talks to her listeners.  Because all of you feel like family.
  • 3:01 Dawn wants you to know that when you start working with her, you do become part of her family.  She prays for you and wants you to be successful.
  • 3:31 Dwan gives a shout out to Kenny, her newest apprentice student.
  • 3:51 Dwan wants you to know that she would do anything for any of you.
  • 4:08 Dwan shows you what she’s been drinking in her water.  It’s called Regenicare by Univera.
  • 4:49 Dwan shares that taking supplements has helped her look amazing at 61 years old.
  • 4:56 Dwan focuses on her eyebrows to show what she looks like without Botox.  She’s thinking about embracing the 60’s without doing any additional Botox.
  • 5:17 Dwan shares that in her 20’s that she didn’t eat well and was on a “cocaine diet”.
  • 5:31 Dwan says for the last 20 years she has taken very good care of herself and her health by taking supplements.
  • 6:03 Dwan notes that they had a blizzard and that it’s currently -2 degrees.
  • 6:19 Dwan demonstrates how to use Regenicare.
  • 7:36 Dwan has her daughter try the Regenicare.  She says it takes like soap.  She challenged her to start drinking a bottle of lemon water every day, because she is not in PH balance.
  • 8:13 Dwan shares about the lemon Regenicare.  She doesn’t love it yet, but knows her taste buds will get used to it.
  • 8:36 Dwan says if you’d like to purchase it, she can give you her account number so you don’t have to register.
  • 8:41 Dwan approximates that they spend roughly $500 a month on the packs of fortune and Regenicare. Regenicare regenerates your cells and is good for your joints.
  • 9:13 Dwan encourages you to: be healthy, drink a lot of water, eat right (no carbs, no sugar, no dairy).
  • 9:31 Dwan share that she has lost almost 30 pounds.
  • 9:48 Dwan starts the discussion of contracts.
  • 9:53 Dwan instructs to go to Dwanderful.com and opt in on the free membership section.  Download the real estate purchase agreement.
  • 10:14 Dwan starts the 20-minute timer.
  • 10:21 Dwan shares that it is a proven fact that you can follow her and stay focused for 20 minutes.
  • 10:35 Dwan insists that is vital to know how to fill out contracts. If you plan on closing deals, you have to learn how to fill out these agreements.  There is no way around paperwork.
  • 10:49 Dwan asks what people think about her new nose ring.
  • 11:16 Dwan disclaims that the contract she is going over is not a Board of Realtors contract. She is using her as an example, as every state is different.  Print out her contract, and compare it with the Board of Realtors contract.
  • 12:22 Dwan shares on the first page of the Board of Realtors contract is information about financing.  Anything that doesn’t apply put a large Z over the contract and write N/A.
  • 12:50 Dwan says 99% of information in the contract is not applicable to us because we are buying houses that are in foreclosure.
  • 12:51 Dwan’s contract is specifically for foreclosure.
  • 13:26 Dwan says always use a contract by the Board of Realtors. It doesn’t mean you can’t add or subtract (N/A) things to the contract.
  • 13:49 Dwan shares that you can add to the contract in the special clauses section.
  • 14:21 Dwan will talk about the special clauses section next week, as she reads about her eight special clauses.
  • 14:04 Dwan says you’ll add to contracts based on whether you are buying it from the homeowner or selling it to the rehabber.
  • 14:13 Dwan say in some states you’ll sign two contracts. One is from the homeowner to you, and the second contract is from you to the rehabber or the landlord that you are flipping the property to.
  • 14:32 Dwan says it is completely legal to do a double closing.  She goes into further detail.
  • 15:11 Dwan instructs to go to Dwanderful.com/lingo and download the free lingo program.
  • 15:41 Dwan presents a pretend buyer scenario for a double closing.
  • 16:21 Dwan goes through the seven-page contract.
  • 16:46 Dwan adds language to all of her contracts.
  • 17:49 Dwan discusses the legal description section.
  • 19:46 Dwan discusses putting down a $10 deposit for a house in foreclosure.  Earnest money deposit.
  • 20:32 Dwan instructs what to do in the commission section.
  • 21:51 Dwan informs that she will give the script for earnest money deposit at a later time.
  • 23:07 Dwan will discuss the due-on-sale clause at a later time.
  • 24:18 Dwan shares her personal opinion that inspection clauses are weasel clauses.
  • 26:59 Dwans advises on the closing date section, write the words “on or before”.
  • 28:23 Dwan emphasizes that you can add anything to the contract as long as everyone initials it.
  • 29:00 Dwan says if you’re not sure about adding things to the contract, go to Dwanderful.com, under the Dwandantor chat box, and ask her a question.
  • 29:51 Dwan talks about the process if selling one of her rehabs.
  • 30:16 Dwan’s timer goes off.
  • 31:03 Dwan shares why she doesn’t have her real estate license.
  • 32:23 Dwan assigns homework.  Download and read the contract.  Go back and listen to the podcast again and read it at the same time.
  • 33:01 Dwan is challenging you to drink one gallon of water a day.
  • 34:26 Dwan asks you to pray for her step mom who is not in good health.
  • 35:06 Dwan ask you to subscribe to the podcast.  If you’re new to the podcast, go back to the beginning and listen to all of them.
  • 35:36 Dwan confesses that she threw up on New Year’s Eve from drinking moonshine.
  • 37:21 Dwan encourages you to go to Dwanderful.com to get your free membership.  Tell people about the podcast.  Put it on your social media for two days and help it grow.

Connect with Dwan:





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