
SALE!!! Fed Up Program



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In this episode of The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever, Dwan rounds out “Flipping February ” by talking through the sometimes confusing topics of deed transfers and the due-on-sale clause. Her tip this week is to practice filling out deeds, and to sign and date everything. 

Dwan goes personal this week, as she talks about her journey to finding love with Bill, as they are celebrating their 18th anniversary.  She encourages you to “Let God be God” and stop trying to help Him.  She also urges you to find the “bread and butter” neighborhoods.

Dwan urges you to kindly subscribe and share the podcast.  She challenges you to leave one comment this week! Happy February and happy flipping!

Time Stamps:

  • :51 Dwan welcomes you to the most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever; where the motto is “People before profit”.
  • 1:13 Dwan reminds listeners that the goal of the podcast is to teach how to become a successful real estate investor by helping people that are facing distress; creating win-win situations for everybody.   
  • 1:51 Dwan introduces herself as America’s most sought-after real estate investor.
  • 1:58 Dwan asks you to listen each week as she shares in detail information to be able to close deals and become a successful real estate investor.
  • 3:05 Dwan shares how delicious her well water tastes.
  • 4:11 Dwan shares that by the time this episode airs, she will have just celebrated her 18th wedding anniversary with Bill.
  • 4:48 Dwan shares a teaser of what her and Bill are doing for their anniversary trip.
  • 5:14 Dwan shares the story of her first marriage; and the problems that came along with it.
  • 6:05 Dwan shares that after that marriage ended, she stayed single until her daughter was 13.
  • 6:19 Dwan tells us “a man is not a plan!”  Have your own plans.
  • 6:41 Dwan tell us the best thing about real estate investing is you can do it in every state and city in the United States.
  • 7:26 Dwan tell us that she made a decision to stay single, but realized that God sometimes has other plans.
  • 8:26 Dwan shares if you want to be a wife or husband you need to start living and acting like the person you want to attract.
  • 8:46 Dwan shares the story of taking godliness seriously.  This led her to throw away her birth control and continuing to go on retreats.   She made the decision to wait for God to bring her a husband.  God led her to Bill, and they have now been together for 18 years.
  • 12:09 Dwan shares that when you let God be God and stop trying to help him you will be surprised at what you can end up accomplishing.
  • 12:31 Dwan shares that when she let go of the reins, 7 months later, she met Bill.
  • 13:31 Dwan clarifies that God doesn’t want you to be poor.  He says the “love of money is the root of evil.”  If you love money more than you love God, you’ve got problems.
  • 13:50 Dawn shares from experience that having money is better than not having money.  Having money doesn’t mean you don’t have problems, but it takes a lot of pressure off not having to worry about where the next meal is coming from.
  • 15:38 Dwan expressed that February is a good month because it’s her birthday, Valentine’s Day and her wedding anniversary.
  • 17:36 Dwan urges if you’re single and desire to be married to read Song of Songs and go through the Bible and read about how to prepare to be a husband or a wife.
  • 19:14 Dwan shares that even though this is the last week to talk about Flipping February, we will always continue to talk about flipping deals as it is the fastest, easiest, and best way to make money.
  • 20:11 Dwan urges listeners to go back and listen to the last 2 calls and make sure you go to dwanderful.com and download the sales agreement.  Go through that contract and go through the special clauses.
  • 20:39 Dwan reviews contract information.
  • 21:36 Dwan urges investors to find bread and butter neighborhoods, and encourages you to make no less than $20,000 on a deal.
  • 21:01 Dwan reminds that being given a deed to a property is called “Subject Two”.  She teaches this at every workshop.
  • 22:36 Dwan shares that the number one question about a Subject Two is the due-on-sale clause.  Dwan explains the due-on-sale clause in detail.
  • 23:50 In Dawn’s 30 years of investing, she has never seen a bank enforce the due-on-sale clause.  Doing so would mean the house would have to go through the entire foreclosure process, and the bank would lose 40% of the value of the house.
  • 24:39 Dwan urges you to go to dwanderful.com and find the deed.  Try and fill one out, because we will soon go over deeds.
  • 24:51 Dwan further clarifies that if a bank enforced the due-on-sale clause, the bank would have to go through the entire foreclosure process and hire an attorney to be able to officially call the note due.  In over 2000 deals, she has never seen a bank call it due.
  • 26:26 Dwan explains when signing the contract with the homeowner and signing a contract with the rehabber, you can put anything in writing.  As long as you both initialed it, it overrides what is in the contract.  Whatever you write overrides the original verbiage.
  • 27:35 Dwan explains the difference between a contract and assignment of contract
  • 29:07 Dwan further explain assignment of contract because it’s a difficult topic to understand.
  • 30:00 Dwan will put together a webinar on assignment of contract and will e-mail everyone on the e-mail list.
  • 30:30 Dwan expressed that the four most important documents are: Sales contract, assignment of contract, deed, and land trust.
  • 30:51 Dwan emphasizes the importance of initialing and dating everything inside of the contract.
  • 31:21 Dwan shares about her first deal, and how she didn’t consider what the homeowner was going through because she was going through her own stuff.
  • 32:21 Dwan explains that by her 3rd house she started recognizing how distraught the homeowners were.  She decided every deal would now be about making their lives better.  When you do what is right and don’t worry about the money, the money will flow.
  • 32:51 Dwan urges to put the homeowner first, and the rest will work itself out.
  • 33:31 Dwan says to treat homeowners with respect and love.  Whatever your mess is, over time it becomes your message.
  • 34:36 Dwan says to share your mess with a homeowner.  People feel better about their own mess when they know you have a mess too.
  • 35:31 Dwan reminds us to always do good deeds; and initial and sign everything.
  • 35:40 Dawn’s challenge this week is to go for a 20-minute meditative walk a day. While you’re walking think about the homeowners.  Think about your situation as you’re trying to become a real estate investor.  Get some sun and fresh air.
  • 37:33 Dwan reminds listeners to get your mind set.  Drink a gallon of water a day.
  • 38:14 Dwan encourages listeners to focus and celebrate marriages.
  • 38:44 Dwan reminds to be super aware of paper work
  • 39:11 Dwan shares a teaser for something special coming in March
  • 39:29 Dwan asks you to help her grow.  She can’t grow without your help.  Share, subscribe, and write comments. She asked each person to write one comment this week.

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