
The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
SS#1 - Real Estate Market Crash 2022

Everyone expects the real estate market to crash in 2022. What people don’t know is how hard it will crash. I believe that a TON of new foreclosures are coming into the market because banks have stopped doing the #forbearance agreements that they were doing last year. With no #loanmodification or forbearance agreements available, people are forced to sell or wind up in #foreclosure. Be certain to follow my summer series and stay up-to-the-minute on what is happening in our #realestateindustry … it is like a whirlwind right now!

#realestatecrash #realestatecrash2020 #howtofix #howtoflipahouse

Follow Dwan this summer as she brings you up-to-the-minute updates on the Real Estate Market Crash of 2022. Many #realestateinvestors disagree as to how much and how hard the #realestatemarket will go up or down. Millions of people still haven’t completed their #forbearance agreements, and people are failing their #loanmodifications left and right. The problem is beginning to boil over. Dwan has been #investing for 30 years and her insider people shared a scoop that hasn’t been released to the general public yet! She truly has the inside scoop on the real estate market crash in 2022.

#realestatemarket2022 #realestateinvestor #marketcrash2022 #foreclosures

Like what Dwan has to say? Follow these links to stay connected and be the first to know! And if you are ready to jumpstart your investing career, start with the first link,

Dwan’s webinar. * Webinar – www.1234closures.com * Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Dwanderful * LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-investor’s-edge-university/ * Instagram – https://www.Instagram.com/Dwanderful * TikTok – https://www.TikTok.com/Dwantastic

Dwan started as a broke, single mom, who had been fired from Denny’s. Having nowhere to go but UP, she climbed her way to the top of the real estate investing food chain owing rentals, and commercial buildings, becoming an International trainer, a best-selling author several times over, and much much more! When she turned 60, with her crazy pink hair, unfiltered interview style, and 30 years of real estate investing, Dwan decided to start a fun, lively, and extremely educational podcast, and the exciting world of DWANDERFUL was born! Learn more about Dwan and what she has to offer by visiting www.dwanderful.com. #realestatemarket #housingcrash #realestateinvestor