
SALE!!! Fed Up Program



The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
Episode 79 First Steps To Take After The Corona Crisis

In this episode of Dwanderful, Dwan shares the first steps to take after the coronavirus. She highlights what you can be doing now so you will be ready as the states reopen and the effects from the shutdown begin to emerge. Dwan goes over short sales, loan modifications, forbearance agreements, subject tos and her Fed Up program that offers everything you need to know about each.

In addition, Dwan encourages listeners from Ecclesiastes 3 and also highlights the biblical significance of 40 days. She continues to emphasize the equities of life and exhorts you to keep a check on mental and self care especially during this time.

Dwan asks you to subscribe on her website, tune in to her daily Facebook Live videos and kindly share all of her great resources with your networks. She would also appreciate a five star review. Thank you for listening. Remember, the truth is in the red letters!