This is a special episode of The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever because Dwan talks about her relationship with Jesus and how you can build your house upon a rock. If you have listened to even a single episode of this podcast, you have heard Dwan say “the truth is in the red letters”, and perhaps you have wondered what that means. In the Bible, most versions have printed the words of Jesus spoken during his earthly ministry in red text. As a Christian with a strong relationship with Jesus, Dwan knows that the Bible, especially the words of Jesus, are the key to living an abundant life on earth and getting to spend eternity in Heaven.
As we all prepare to celebrate Christmas this week, Dwan thought this would be the perfect time to talk about the birth of Jesus and some of his key teachings while He was living among us. Jesus was born into this world as the Son of God, fully human and fully divine, to provide the only way for us to get to Heaven. He taught on many subjects, but He spent a lot of time talking about money, saying things like “a man cannot serve two masters: God and money” and “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil” but also pointing out that He came to give us abundant life that could not be taken away from us by Satan. Through Him, God set up the only pathway to Heaven, the most inclusive exclusivity because anyone who accepts Jesus and has genuine faith can enter in, but many people reject this idea and instead believe that either there is no God or that everyone on earth worships the same God.
In order to have success in life and to be able to go to Heaven one day to be with God forever, the only way is to build your life upon the rock of Jesus. Not on yourself, not on your spouse, not on money, not on your ambitions, not on your kids – only on Jesus. When your foundation is strong, anything you build on top of it will be strong as well.