
SALE!!! Fed Up Program



The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
Episode 37 Rental Road To Riches

To kick off the new season of The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever, Dwan overviews the topics to be covered on rentals and brings in some illustrations from her own experience. The type of rentals Dwan is talking about this season are ones where the investor is trying to build up a rental portfolio rather than specifically helping homeowners in distress, but it is very likely that there will be some crossover.

From the paperwork to selecting the right tenants to working towards owning all of your rentals outright, Dwan will be walking you through the steps you should take to become a successful real estate investor with rentals. Many people encourage investors to leverage their rentals against each other rather than owning them all for cash, but those are the investors who lost everything during the Recession, while Dwan and her students were on firm footing.

Dwan shares her #1 tip for rentals: no matter what, always make an unannounced visit at 8:00pm to the house where your potential tenants are living now. It will be awkward and they will be embarrassed to show you their house, but if you only judge them by their meeting with you, you will never really know how well they are going to take care of your house.