
The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
Episode 36 Owner Partnering

Dwan describes the process of owner partnering (also known as equity partnering) and the importance of getting your paperwork in order before venturing out with a homeowner in distress. Many things can go wrong, but many things can also go right, and the ideal outcome is for you to make a hearty profit, the homeowner to walk away with a good payout, and everyone to be happy at the end. Sometimes it is the homeowners that have a lot of equity in their house who come to you in the most desperation because they finally surrender to the fact that the bank will take their house otherwise.

The most straightforward method for walking the homeowner through the process of equity partnering is with a written agreement, the terms of which are discussed using the pen and paper approach. Seeing the numbers all together really opens the homeowners’ eyes to the trouble they have gotten themselves into and the lifeline you are trying to throw them by partnering with them.