
SALE!!! Fed Up Program



The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
Episode 27 Sex Offenders and Real Estate

This week on The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever, Dwan walks listeners through the second offer to the bank during the short sale process. This second offer should tell the bank that you are serious about this property but you also want to point out to them all of the negative things about the property and the surrounding area. You want to jump your offer to 60% of the value of the house but also build fear in the mind of the bank based on other houses in the area, crime reports, and the list of registered sex offenders nearby. They will inevitably ask you why you want the house in light of all of the negative things you pointed out, and Dwan will cover that on the next episode about the third offer to the bank. Remember that you can talk to Dwan on Wednesday mornings during the LIVE Coaching Call to get help as you walk through this short sale process or anything in real estate investing. Just go to Dwanderful.com and sign up for the membership site!