
The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
Episode 263 - Alicia Jarrett - Bad Ass Boss Babes

On this episode of “Inside the Minds of Today’s Millionaires”, Dwan is talking with Alicia Jarrett. Alicia invests in real estate in the US all the way from Australia. She began this journey by investing in a fix and flip but quickly realized that that came with quite a few headaches along the way. It was then that she found the under-tapped resource of buying vacant land and turning it into great opportunities. Alicia is the perfect example of being successful in not always investing in deals in your “backyard”. As long as you have a phone and a laptop, you can do deals from anywhere.

You can learn more about Alicia by emailing her at alicia@superchargedoffers.com or by visiting www.superchargedoffers.com. If you have and that you think she would be interested in, you can email her the details at Alicia@landscout.com.

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