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The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
Episode 253 - John LeBrum and Lafayette Lane - nside The Minds of Todays Millionaires

On this episode of “ Inside the Minds of Today’s Millionaires ”,  Dwan is talking to John LaBrun and La’Fayette Lane. This dynamic duo met at a cyber Security business where they are both employed. It didn’t take them long to notice hay had a special bond that needed to be shared with others. That is how their podcast, “Unscripted Authentic Leadership Podcast” was born. During their visit with Dwan, they talk to us about personal development, leadership, and what exactly brought the two of them together. We even get a sneak peek of what their younger selves were like before they became who they are today. You can learn more about John Lafayette by visiting www.unscripted-leadership.com and by listening to their podcast “Unscripted Authentic Leadership”. Be sure to Check it out and leave them some “5-star” reviews.

Don’t forget to also head over to www. dwonderful.com and opt in and get your 4 free ebooks. AND. If it isn’t too much to ask, leave Dwan your “5-Star” review. You just may hear it read during a future episode.

  • :50 Welcome to “Inside the Minds of Today’s Millionaires“
  • 1:53 John LeBrun & La’Fayette Lane are today’s guests
  • 2:14 Drinks with Dwan and the guys
  • 3:02 Who are John & La’Fayette? Unscripted Authentic Leadership Podcast
  • 6:50 None of that was anything I wanted to do!
  • 7:40 Both work in cybersecurity-What do you do with that?
  • 8:39 Passion lies in leadership to make change
  • 9:48 Kids today don’t have the same direction and leadership
  • 11:09 The “why” can be misinterpreted… work smarter, not harder
  • 12:21 How are you going to survive in this world?
  • 13:48 Not the same as the great depression.
  • 14:36 People are more likely to leave a job due to issues with standards than before
  • 15:09 Seeking happiness rather than staying with a job they hate for 40 years
  • 16:38 Working for “the man” isn’t working for me
  • 18:10 Feel comfortable in their skin to make changes and take steps forward
  • 18:17 Let them unfriend or unfollow you! How to fail and have some grit
  • 20:56 It’s easier for negativity to be spread than something positive
  • 22:18 Magnify the positive, be the bridge
  • 23:59 Collaboration, not competition
  • 24:30 A gift is a gift, it may just come in a different wrapping
  • 26:30 God didn’t call us to compete, he called us to complete
  • 27:21 What was young John doing?
  • 30:26 La’Fayette as a young man. What was his trajectory?
  • 32:58 Johns trajectory when he was young
  • 37:00 I don’t feel qualified to be a preacher!
  • 38:20 It all starts and ends with your mind
  • 38:39 People are always comparing their worst to someone else’s best
  • 40:00 How John and La’Fayette met
  • 46:20 We can’t let an elephant or a donkey destroy a relationship
  • 47:05 Stop with the labels already!
  • 47:16 John and La’Fayette talk music and food
  • 54:40 John issues this week’s life equity challenge – Mental
  • 59:27 Time is our most valuable asset
  • 1:00:58 Lafayette gives us a parting word of wisdom