
SALE!!! Fed Up Program



The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
Episode 249 - When Cancer Hits Home

In this episode of “The Most Dwanderful Podcast Ever”, Dwan is updating us on the “Storm” She and bill are currently plowing through. 8 years ago Bill was diagnosed with Polycythaemia vera. That progressed into Myelofibrosis, a very rare and deadly blood cancer. The only cure for Bill was to under go a sterm cell transplant. That consisted of 4 days of extreme chemo to kill off Bill’s cells and bone marrow. He had one rest day, and then underwent the stem cell transplant. Now Bill’s body has to accept those new cells and avoid Graft vs. Host Disease. Dwan explains their next storm, that of housing. Bill and Dwan will require special housing for the next 6 months to be close to the hospital and to have a sterile environment, as he has almost zero immune system. This costs thousands of dollars a month, which insurance is refusing to pay.


With that being said, a friend of Bill’s has created a Gofund me account. Bill and Dwan won’t be able to do their “usual” jobs of speaking and traveling. Now they have the added expense of Special housing and all that comes with that. If you are able, Please consider making a donation. Dwan and Bill will continue helping their students and creating content from special housing, but a little extra help would be so very appreciated. https://gofund.me/d6138b31 is the link where you can learn more about what Bill is facing and get the most recent updates from Dwan.


Show Bill& Dwan some extra support by heading over to ITunes and leaving them a “5-Star” review! You can also head to www.dwanderful.com to optinaand get some free gifts from Dwan.


  • :50 Welcome!
  • 2:46 We’ve got some big news coming up
  • 3:10 When you listen to our show, head over to ITunes and leave us a S-star review
  • 3:26 Dwan reads reviews from Doris Hopper and Caroline Sanders
  • 5:35 I will be #1!
  • 6:46 Tune in weekly so I can share my “secret sauce” with you
  • 7:47 Bill was diagnosed with Myelofibrosis, a rare blood cancer
  • 11:00 Bill’s progressed quickly, so here is what’s happening
  • 11:10 Bone marrow stem cell transplant
  • 13:13 keep Bill & Dwan in your prayers for 1 full year
  • 13:23 4 Days of extreme chemo to kill cells and bone marrow. Day off and then stem cell transplant
  • 14:29 www.bethematch.org to join 50 million in the stem cell bank. There were only 3 that matched Bill.
  • 17:07 March and was the transplant date. Watch it on Dwan’s Facebook page
  • 18:34 They call it MF… and that’s exactly what it is… a real “Mother #?!$”
  • 20:00 Pretty much, here is what happens
  • 20:20 Graft vs Host disease
  • 20:49 He will now have female DNA and his blood type will change
  • 22:26 We are at day + 6, day +100 is the goal. Special housing for 6 months
  • 24:40 Insurance isn’t covering special housing, friend started a Gofund me
  • 27:28 The list of things he/we can’t do is so long
  • 29:30 A year of not seeing your grandbabies is really long.
  • 31:50 Bill talks to the stem cells! Your body and mind work together
  • 32:50 300 page instruction binder!
  • 33:30 We are going to keep creating content!
  • 35:40 We don’t know what color his hair will come back like! Depends on the donor.
  • 37:05 It’ll probably be a whole year at least before we get to come back home
  • 38:00 Had to rehome cats, won’t see dogs for a year
  • 39:00 Mindset is the biggest thing that’ll kill you
  • 40:25 23 year old DNA, what will that do?!
  • 40:52 Not making light of it, but we try to laugh and find the positive
  • 42:08 He is my superhero
  • 43:15 We are feeling very thankful for so many things
  • 45:00 Please consider our Gofund Me. It’s going to be hard to earn income being a team
  • 45:40 The truth is in the red letters
  • 46:25 We are being the buffalo, wasn’t an easy decision. In the storm right now