
SALE!!! Fed Up Program



The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
Episode 247 - Super Hidden Gems

In this episode of “The Most Dwanderful Podcast Ever “, Dwan is giving us a little insiders secret. Being back in her childhood home has brought back many fond memories for Dwan. It has also made her take a closer look at her fathers house! That’s where this tip is coming from. She talks about code violations and how quickly the fees on them can add up. She gives a great suggestion on how to use those violations to your advantage when looking for good deals. Don’t mind the minor technical difficulties part way through! Dwan laughs it off and reminds us that life isn’t perfect and we need to roll with the punches.


This years motto at Dwanderfel is “The new you in ’22”. That is bringing along some new US, too! Dwanderful is growing better than ever and we want to make sure you are along for the ride! head on over to www.dwanderful.com and option so that you don’t miss a single thing. This will also help you gain access to Dwan’s “mighty network” Where you can interact directly with Dwan and her team. It would also mean the world to Dwan if you would take a moment to leave her a “5-Star” review. You’ll even get the chance to hear her read your review on a future podcast episode’


  • : 50 Welcome to the most Dwanderful podcast ever 
  • 1:15 Insiders secret today
  • 2:04 “The new you in ’22” is this years motto
  • 2:30 Who gets fired from Denny’s?
  • 3:50 Helped build this house!
  • 5:08 Drinks with Dwan… computer dying!
  • 5:54 Go with the flow… always something
  • 7:35 Department looking for code violations good places to find houses
  • 10:01 Code violation fees add up
  • 11: 11 My battery died! 
  • 11:48 This is real, no extra editing here!
  • 13:06 Dwan reads a couple “5-Star” reviews
  • 14:43 Have someone look at the house before you buy it
  • 16:30 HOA VS Non-HOA
  • 18:04 Ask for a printed list of houses with code violations and drive by to check them out
  • 19:25 Sometimes they say no…that’s alright
  • 20:05 Don’t be shy! People miss people
  • 21:35 Talk to the city and see if they will waive fees if you make the fixes
  • 21:45 Don’t fix it until you buy the house!
  • 22:50 Dwan issues a financial life equity challenge
  • 23:15 You can help now!
  • 24:53 Financial equity doesn’t always mean it needs to cost you a lot 
  • 26:01 Not your expired stuff !
  • 26:36 All the little details
  • 26:54 Dwanderful.com and opt in for some free stuff
  • 27:17 The truth is in the red letters