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The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
Episode 233 - What Does The Financial Equity Mean

This week on “The Most Dwanderful Podcast Ever”, Dwan is celebrating her 4th season! She gives us an introduction of what to expect on the 5 Tuesday’s of November. Each week, Dwan is going to expand on the 5 equities of life and how you can apply them in yours. This week, we focus on the equity on financial. Dwan emphasizes that this does Not mean acquiring all the money you can, rather what can you do to help others with what you have.


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: 50 Welcome!

1:50 It’s officially November and the 4th season of “The Most Dwanderful Podcast Ever”!

3:06 10 shows a month now

3:39 Dwan reads a “5-Star” review from Bessie

5:00 I have no problem sharing my advice!

6:32 How the Twyford’s do Christmas

7:55 The 5 equities of life, one each week of November

8:09 Financial – this isn’t necessarily how much you make, rather what you do with it

9:21 You can help other people without spending a ton of money

10:05 Pay it Forward with some of the things you have

12:01 Toiletries for the homeless shelter 

13:52 Funny how God brings people into your path

14:54 Financial is obviously making money, but it is also about what we can do with what we have

15:34 Blessing other people will bless you too

16:44 Paid for the problems that we solve

17:36 We do good!

19:18 We all have things other people would be grateful for

20:03 Always be mindful of what good you can do and pay it forward.

20:30 www.dwanderful.com to get 4 free e-books