
SALE!!! Fed Up Program



The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
Episode 219 - Final RAF Numbers

Today on “The Most Dwanderful Podcast Ever” Dwan is continuing her series on equity partnering. After many emails telling her that they still don’t understand how to split the profit, Dwan decided to sit down and really break down the figures for you using an example sale. Imagine that the homeowner has a house valued at $300,000 and they owe $175,000. You come in and charge them a “risk assessment fee” of 10% of what the house sells for. That comes out to be $30,000 right off the top of the sale. Then say that they had back payments of $15,000 and that the home needed $30,000 in rehabs. This would leave a profit of $50,000. That split right down the middle is $25,000 each. That’s a pretty good deal for a homeowner looking to get out of their house!


Many homeowners will want to see the math. Take them aside with a pad of paper and show them exactly how that math looks! Dwan has done hundreds of these deals and she has never had a homeowner left feeling emptyhanded. Go on over to Dwanderful.com and opt in to receive you 4 free e-Books and don’t forget to leave your “5-Star” review!

:50 – Welcome! 1:07- 1,000 “5-star” reviews! Thank you!!  2:07 – People before profits & drinks with Dwan – tea! 3:30 – Dwan reads a couple of “5-Star” reviews 4:57 – Equity partnering one more time – How to split the money 6:55 – RAF- Risk assessment fee is a non-negotiable 10% of sale price fee 9:04 – “If I can’t get my equity out of it, I’d rather get nothing!” 13:10 – Homeowners payment breakdown 14:10 – I’m taking the risk 14:27 – Sit down with a pad of paper and show them the math 15:33 – We have done hundreds of these and people always leave happy 16:28 – Mental life equity challenge – Practice the script 17:14 – People want to hear fairness 17:27 – Dwanderful.com to opt in and get 4 free e-Books & leave us a “5-star” review! 17:46 – The truth is in the red letters!