
SALE!!! Fed Up Program



The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
Episode 216 Equity Partner Closing

Today’s episode of “The Most Dwanderful Podcast Ever”, Dwan is finishing up her series on equity partnering. She starts off with reminding you why she is the best “non-guru guru” that you could listen to. She also reminds people why it is so important to leave the homeowners that you are partnering with ina good position. Go out of your way to make it a good experience for them! Go on over to dwanderful.com to opt in a get your 4 free eBooks! 

:50 Welcome 2:48 True rags to riches story 3:37 So many things to make investing easier today 7:47 There is an immense amount of money to be made in real estate 9:19 Not all investors are scammy! 10:38 Talk to the homeowner a couple of days before closing 12:21 Where are they going? Hire them a moving company! 13:53 Don’t count anyone out 14:49 Dwan reads a couple of “5-Star” reviews 16:28 Always leave people with a good impression 16:41 Dwan’s life equity 19:30 Dwanderful.com to opt in 19:39 Remember, the truth is in the red letters