
SALE!!! Fed Up Program



The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
Episode 197 When Do You Need a Permit

In this weeks episode of “The Most Dwanderful Podcast Ever”, Dwan is talking about why permits are important and what is involved in pulling them, She shares and experience from her early investing when she didn’t pull a permit. Learn from her and pull the permit so your job doesn’t get shut down! Some areas are stricter than others, so do your research and see what is required in your area. Come on over to Dwanderful.com and opt in to receive some freebies! And don’t forget to leave us a 5-star review!

1:40 – The goal here at Dwanderful 2:25 – Our motto 2:42 – Drinks with Dwan – Tea! 3:15 – This week’s 5-star review is from Garcia Irene 5:00 – Nothing but negativity on the news 5:27 – Let’s talk about when you need a permit 6:13 – What is a permit? 7:30 – Bill does this on our rehabs… 8:30 – Inspection & Sign-off 9:58 – Big red sticker & fines 10:30 – Dwan’s experience with NOT pulling a permit 11:25 – Have a contractor oversee or get an owners permit 12:20 – If your area requires it, get it! 13:20 – What exactly needs a permit? 14:03 – Don’t draw attention to yourself! 15:15 – Do some research on your area 15:35 – Don’t get caught not having a permit! 16:23 – Permits aren’t scary, they keep people safe 17:03 – Life equity – Take someone in your family who doesn’t get out much out for a meal 18:04 – Dwanderful.com to opt in for some freebies 18:26 – Leave us a 5-star review! Can’t be #1 without you 18:45 – Remember, the truth is in the red letters