
SALE!!! Fed Up Program



The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
Episode 110 Why Banks Are Frantic

Why banks are frantic right now will make you want to step into action. Actually, this episode includes everything you need to know about the year end, fourth quarter and the banks’ biggest concern. Next, Dawn shares why it’s an amazing time to be a real estate investor and to help homeowners in distress. Lastly, Dawn emphasizes what you should be doing between now and January when foreclosure sales will begin again.   Thank you for tuning in. As always, remember the truth is in the red letters. Also, please take advantage of Dwan’s short sale program at dwanderful.com/shortsale.   Time Stamps: 1:08 Dwan welcomes you to the most Dwanderful podcast ever, introduces herself and her motto. 1:35 Dwan shares her background and her goal. 2:51 Dwan shares that there are more new millionaires every year from real estate investing. 4:01 Dwan toasts to a cup of Calli tea by Sunrider. 6:31 Dwan follows up on the lemon water habit and mentions another great use for the lemons after you squeeze them. 12:51 Dwan explains about the 4th quarter and why banks are starting to get frantic. 14:50 Dwan explains how the interest rates work. 16:50 Dwan explains how “year end” works. 18:51 Dwan explains Loan Loss Reserve. 22:12 Dwan explains how vacant properties work. 23:16 Dwan shares that vacant houses typically sit for around two years. 24:21 Dwan shares that they are estimating houses will be vacant for five years. 24:51 Dwan says it’s a great time to put out bandit signs. 26:10 Dwan explains why it benefits banks to sell you a house at the fraction of the short sale price. 27:03 Dwan underscores that banks are under rapid fire to clear their year end books. 28:51 Dwan estimates the foreclosure sales will start in January. 32:12 Dwan shares an old saying supporting why investors and homeowners in distress are friends. 33:16 Dwan issues this week’s equity of life challenge: mental. 37:51 Dwan invites you to grab her short sale program and dwanderful.com/shortsale.