
SALE!!! Fed Up Program



The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!
#298 - Why Banks Are Done With Homeowners In Foreclosure

So, Why Are Banks Done With Homeowners In Foreclosure?

In 30 years I have never seen banks actually done with homeowners in foreclosure. It’s kind of shocking how aggressive they have been.

Why are banks done? Too many homeowners took advantage of the nationwide forbearance agreement and banks are done trying to work things out. The paperwork alone is daunting!

It is always a good time to do short sales because the banks’ point-of-view does not change no matter what is happening in the market. If you are still thinking if you should start short sales, now’s a great time to do it.

Join Dwan as she talks about why it is always a good thing to do short sales and why this last quarter of the year is a good opportunity to do short sales.

Listen up and enjoy!


Episode highlights

0:00 – Intro

0:25 – Dwan introduces herself and her life’s motto.

2:30 – The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever reviews.

6:05 – Why short sales right now.

10:35 – Short sales from a bank’s point-of-view.

15:15 – Banks’ loan loss reserves.

7:15 – Why short sales are always a good thing.

27:05 – A challenge to clear your mind for your overall health.


Until the next episode!


About the host:

Dwan is America’s most sought-after real estate investor coach. She has been featured on more than 50 media outlets in interviews and featured articles. For the past 4 years, Dwan’s Podcast has grown in popularity and is now in the top 1000 business podcasts Connect and know more about Dwan here: Website: https://dwanderful.com Instagram: @dwanderful Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dwanderful/