
SALE!!! Fed Up Program



Make Your Home Stand Out Among The Rest


When the real estate market lit on fire and everyone was listing their homes, it became increasingly difficult to sell. Slowly, prices are starting to drop but there are still a multitude of homes for sale. This is making creating great deals for buyers, but is also making it difficult for sellers to stand out. What are some areas that sellers can focus on to stand out?

Curb Appeal

The moment a potential buyer pulls onto the property, they are going to form an instant opinion based on the “curb appeal”. The appeal of the exterior can sell a home all on its own. From picture perfect landscaping to the appeal of the exterior of the home. If the seller of a home makes sure that the exterior is in tip top shape, your home can stand apart from the others. Next time you pull into your drive, try to look at it like you are seeing it for the very first time. Pay particular attention to these things:

  • Make sure grass is cut and that the hedges and bushes are trimmed.
  • Add some mulch to sparse garden beds
  • Add some flowering plants around the house or some potted plants to the porch/walkway.
  • Hide the toys!
  • Make sure that all outside lights are functioning

Now that you have the potential buyer hooked into making them want to come inside. It isn’t enough to simply get them inside, though. The inside of your home needs to have the same appeal that got them inside in the first place. Consider keeping these things in their proper place to keep those potential buyers hooked:

  • If it is a surface, clean it! Dog nose prints off the windows, greasy hand prints off the walls, dirt out of the corners and crevasses.
  • Get rid of the clutter! Find a spot to hide the toys, paperwork, and knic-knacks. Clutter on the countertops and placed around the home makes the rooms look smaller than they really are.
  • A fresh coat of pain goes a long way, and use bright colors to make the rooms look more spacious
  • Repair the things you have been putting off! Tighten those cabinet hinges, plaster the nail holes and scrapes on the walls, fix the dripping faucet!

When the inside and outside are clean and neat, you may need to provide a bigger incentive to your potential buyers. If the house has repairs that you didn’t have the time or cash to fix, you can offer credit towards the purchase price. That way, you acknowledge the repairs and give the buyer a discount for accepting the home as is.

Another option is to offer an allotment if your house needs new carpeting or flooring. Buyers like allotments because they get the item new, plus they get to pick out their colors. A win-win situation for everyone.

The time spent cleaning, making minor repairs, and providing incentives for major repairs, will make your home stand out above the competition. Although these little fixes may require some time and effort, selling quickly in a tough market will be worth the effort in the end!