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and I make real estate investing
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What Does Your
Dream Life Look Like?

I’m a HUGE dreamer. I always have been. When I was a child I used to sign my name “Dwan, The President”! I’ve have had lofty goals for as long as I can remember and amazingly enough…I have reached them!

Don’t get me wrong…reaching my real estate investing goals was no easy feat without help! I reached those goals through the “School of Hard Knocks” with a TON of mistakes! Now I want to CUT your learning curve by at least 25 YEARS so you make NO mistakes! Imagine becoming a successful real estate investor without making expensive mistakes!

As I began reaching my own real estate investing goals, I realized I could also teach others how to do the same thing I was doing and WITHOUT the mistakes! The trial and error part of learning is what kills you. One mistake and …BOOM… you could be out of business! You will never have to worry about that again with me by your side!

With my bright pink hair and unfiltered personality you are in for a treat when you join the Dwanderful Family!
What do you think about as you
lay in bed each night?
Your frienemies can’t stop thinking about it, a vacation other people can only dream about, a car so expensive that people stop and stare at you as you roll by, an Ivy League education for your children, the best care possible for aging parents?
Dwan, I would like those things for real. For today, I just want to pay my bills!
How about something
simpler to start
How about something simpler to start: Being able to pay the light and water bill in the same month (oh yea…I had some hard times. too.), getting some new work shoes, just being able to buy some new clothes, buying steak instead of hamburger?
We all have to start somewhere and being on this page, at this very minute, is God’s way of saying,“It is time!”

Dwan Bent-Twyford

America’s Most Sought After Real Estate Investor
Real Estate Investor • Podcast Host • Best Selling Author• Keynote Speaker • Mama & MiMi

How Did Dwan Start?

Dwan started as a broke, single mom, who had been fired from Denny’s

Having nowhere to go but UP, she climbed her way to the top of the real estate investing food chain owing rentals, commercial buildings, becoming an International trainer, a best selling author several times over, and much much more!

When she turned 60, with her crazy pink hair, unfiltered interview style, and 30 years of real estate investing, Dwan decided to start a fun, lively, and extremely educational podcast and the exciting world of DWANDERFUL was born!

She has written three best sellers, “Short Sale Pre-Foreclosure Investing”, “How to Sell a House When It’s Worth Less Than the Mortgage”, and her most recent New York Times best seller was written with Steve Forbes… “SuccessOnomics”.

Her goal never changes -to make a difference in the lives of others!
The Dwanderful Business Motto
As you learn more about Dwan, you will hear her speak of the
Start listening to the podcasts and reading the blogs to find out how to live a more balanced life!
Starting from Denny’s and working her way to Diamonds, Dwan is wise beyond her years!
World of Dwanderful Podcast
Have Dwanderful on your podcast...
Are you tired of the same old, same old podcast guest?

Interviewing an endless string of professionals with the same stories that you and your listeners have heard 1,000’s of times?

Then you MUST meet Dwanderful!

Not only is her podcast great, she is everyone’s favorite guest! You haven’t lived until you have interviewed Dwan! There is NO question she won’t answer or doesn’t know the answer to!

Not only is Dwan everyone’s favorite guest, she is down-right hilarious! She and her interviewers have a hard time keeping it together at times with all of the fun bantering back and forth..lol!

Having flipped over 2,000 deals herself she is more than qualified to share her vast knowledge of real estate investing with America.

Dwanderful Podcast Dwan is affectionately known as the “Queen of Short Sales®” and is considered to be the Nation’s #1 Expert on Short Sales & Foreclosures .

In fact, Dwan wrote the FIRST short sale, real estate investing program for investors back in the 90’s and went on to coin and trademark this terminology as well as present the Short Sale concept to the real estate investing world!

She has written three best sellers, “Short Sale Pre-Foreclosure Investing” & “How to Sell a House When It’s Worth Less Than the Mortgage”, her most recent New York Times best seller was written with Steve Forbes… SuccessOnomics.

She is highly sought after and has been featured on Fox and Friends, MSNBC, Naomi’s Good Morning, Colorado and Company, and many other TV, radio, podcasts, and print medias.

Dwan also has her own top-rated podcast called…The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever!

In a market dominated by men, Dwan has certainly made her mark! Her goal never changes – to make a difference in the lives of others!

Book Dwan today and I promise you will have the most fun you have ever had on a podcast!

FUN FACT – Dwan prefers not to know the questions in advance of her interview. She is 100% confident she can answer anything you throw at her and she feels it makes for a more real conversation when it isn’t planned.

Dwan’s Favorite Topics:

In addition to speaking on any real estate investing topic out there, Dwan also gives great advice on many other topics.

She loves to offer advice to single moms, or just moms, trying to figure out how to build an empire while raising a family. Dwan is a true rags-to-riches story and has tons of practical advice to offer anyone trying to raise a family and build an empire. She loves to share some of her hilarious child-rearing tips! Her kids had their hands full with Dwan as their mom!

Dwan has been a Christian for over 30 years and loves to share what the Lord has done for her and what He can do for you. She bases her business on Biblical principles and offers great advice on combining God and your business for the ultimate empire.

Dwan also loves to encourage women. As far as our society has come, many businesses are still ran by “the boys club” and Dwan shares her unique way she broke that mold for herself and how she can help you do the same.

Dwan has been married for the past 20 years and she and her husband, Bill Twyford, work together. They offer hilarious ideas on how to live, love, and work together! It takes a special couple to spend so much time together and still have so much fun.

Basically, there isn’t any topic Dwan is not comfortable talking about. Starting from Denny’s and working her way to Diamonds, Dwan is wise beyond her years!

Dwan is the most open person you will ever meet and she has decades of wisdom to share with you!

Her heart is as big as the sky and her goal is to help others become successful, too!

Join the Dwanderful Family
There is nothing better than family and that’s how we want you to be thought of in our community. Family is special, just like you.
When you become a family member in Dwanderful, you get all sorts of great gifts to help you succeed.
Dwantabulous Training Videos
Dwanumental Documents
“Must Haves”
A Dwanderrific Starter Survey to get you on the right path
... and these four books

Opt-in today and grab these FOUR free real estate investing tools! 

After you register, all your Dwanderful stuff will be on the My Account page.
Dwan Bent-Twyford, America’s Most Sought After Real Estate Investor, is dedicated to your real estate investing success.

With over 30 years of real estate investing and 2,000 deals under her belt, no one is more qualified to teach you EVERYTHING there is to know about real estate investing than Dwan.

With a top-rated podcast, The Most Dwanderful Real Estate Podcast Ever, and her years of training, you are certain to be the top investors in your area!

Join our Dwanderful Family absolutely FREE to get all of this, PLUS “The Top Seven Real Estate Investing Strategies for Today’s New Market” and much more!!