
SALE!!! Fed Up Program



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Send your testimonials to dwanbenttwyford@gmail.com and I will get them up as soon as I can.



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We have been too busy to communicate much lately but appreciate all you do and the help you have been to us.  We are on track to close three short sales a month this year and have 5 acceptances already this month.  This business is awesome!!!

Janine L.

Ha!! I just got an acceptance for a 95,000 for 32,000!!!!!

Eddie Bodkin

Just wanted to let you know I did attend this call, just on my cell phone instead of on my computer. It was great to hear both you and Bill speak this week.

Your webinar earlier this week was SO AWESOME, it got me really pumped up and I’m spending the whole weekend looking up records and tomorrow am going doorknocking!  If you can do 75 wholesale deals in one year (as a newbie), i have NO EXCUSE!!

Thanks again for all you do!


This is Elisa Slack. I am emailing you and I have attached a copy of my latest check that I received from a short sale closing…$18,000.I sent you a copy of my last check, and I knew I had to send a copy of this check as well, because you have been so helpful to me on the Monday Morning training calls. You talked me through a problem that I was having with the short sale, and because of you, I was able to take it to close!!I am so very thankful for you and Dwan and I pray that God continues to bless your business, and your family. You are both so helpful and caring for we (your students) and I will always be indebted to you both, for all my success.

We have another closing that should be either this or next week, and that check should be around 10K.

Thank you for the Monday morning training calls, and for being so readily available when I email questions or concerns. You are both a “God-Send.”

God Bless

Elisa Kauffman-Slack

I have put out about 30 signs in the last week plus my big truck with it’s sign. I have two s.s deals under contract. One packet has been sent to Lynn and my other packet will be there by Tuesday. I have one more deal I am going to wholesale and if I can’t find a buyer rehab and retail. I don’t have a contract yet but that should be done tomorrow. I am also purchasing another house in palm beach county fl with. 100 percent financing from a investor partner. It is a 3/2 c.b. Construction for 32k I am planing to resign from my full time job as an asset manager with Fannie Mae when I close 2 more deals within 60 days. Following you door knocking and bandit signs is bring me so much business. I have been wanting to be this busy for 3 years now.

Josh and Tayla

I just wanted to write a personal “Big Thank You and a Big Shout Out” to Mr. Bill Twyford for saving my life, piece of mind and sanity.  As I have been a student of Bill and his wife Dwan for many years now I can really attest to their very high professional standards in the Real Estate, NLP, Short Sales, Knowledge of the Bankruptcy Laws, Mentoring and pretty much anything else they have going on.

I lost my business, was hospitalized and nearly died about a year ago.  I am currently in process of foreclosure and bankruptcy.  I had taken Bill’s class in LA on bankruptcy a while ago and it was absolutely phenomenal!!!   I can clearly remember him drawing the bankruptcy timeline on the whiteboard and how it works in reference to dealing with the banks.   As I didn’t have the money to file a chapter 13, I filed a chapter 7 (which was about to expire).

As my home was to be auctioned off in just a few days I called Bill in crisis and asked for Help.   And, Boy did he ever deliver!!!   As always, he said he couldn’t give “Legal Advice”  . . .  but advised me that he has understood that by going to the bankruptcy court in person and requesting the proper forms for converting a chapter 7 to a chapter 13 and filing them that it should buy me at least a couple of months of time.   I followed Bill’s  directions and it did buy me a couple months of time just as he said it would.

Thanks a Million times over to Bill !!! and to his very kind, giving, generous spirit I now a piece of mind.

Chris C.

I just sent you a copy of my first check. I am over the moon with excitement and gratitude to you both. I am going out to do it again and again. Since getting “Shut up and stick to the scripts,” I have no problem door knocking. I actually like it. I have no fear because I know what to say. It took 2 ½

months to receive my first check. This really works and I recommend the coaching to anyone who feels they need support.

Thanks and I love you both!!

Andrea Hare

Short sale Boot Camp was very informative! Complete A-Z coverage at the speed of light. I would recommend this course to anyone. Thanks again.

Rex Malson

Excellent Course. Very informative. Dwan and Bill are genuine. I felt very comfortable, trusting and believing what they say.

Hadiyyah Shahid

Dwan and Bill are a Knowledgeable and fun couple who compliment each other. It’s good to listen to people who are practicing what they teach.

Kathy Persha

It was a very interesting class. I learned that I need to come out of my box, learn to speak better and become a millionaire. It can be done if you work at it. Thank you!

Rick Bowser

Overall, I think the boot camp was very informative. Dwan and Bill make a great team and their materials are very practical and user friendly for any new investor.

Joncey Lee

This training was refreshing. Rapid-paced and informative. I feel better-equipped to start my real estate investment business.

Brenonda Poulson

Dwan and Bill combine the knowledge of the short sale process, with the support of critical communication skills, to teach the tools necessary to perform short sales, wholesaling and very specific communication techniques, to handle any real estate or life situation.

Kevin Nolan

I have attended a 1 day seminar of Dwan, Sharon and Bill. Bought short sale package and NLP set and then attended the 2 day boot work shop-All in 2 weeks period-I would recommend this as a good starting point.

Trust me, I feel compelled to tell others to sign the contract!

Rick Reid

Dwan and Bill were very technically competent, great communicators and entertaining at the same time. I will be able to perform a short-selling much more competently following the course. Best of all, I feel like I got a WEALTH of information and had fun at the same time! Life is Great!!

James W. Dail

I enjoyed the boot camp tremendously. It really filled in the gaps. The role playing helped me make the words mine. I feel confident that I can take this information and use it to make more money.

Tarla Gernert

Everything we’ve learned on Short Sales has been Dwan’s Short Sale Secrets CD and now this boot camp-we’ve done 4 short sales in 3 months and we’re firsd up to do more!!

Connie Budiwarman

I have been to many seminars and Bill & Dwan Bent-Twyford’s Seminars are interesting and informative and most important are fun and you wil learn so much information to help you in the real world of real estate as well as the other real world of life of dealing/communicating with peoples.


I would recommend the class to everyone. I enjoyed the class. It was extremely informative. You’re truly experts in your field. I have gained enough confidence and knowledge from Dwan and Bill’s short sale class to persure short sales deals on my own.


I enjoyed it and would recommend especially for a new investor as myself.

Shenica George

Dwan and Bill…What a team! A great mix of technical information and negotiating skills. I have not seen this great combination in any other boot camp!

Paul Smudski

Great people who really seem to care. I’ve been trying to get my wife on board the Real Estate train with me. Dwan did it during the short sale workshop. Thanks Dwan!!!

Jowee Secore

Dwan and Bill’s short sale seminar is a good starting point for a aspiring real estate investor.

David Beauderau Jr.

Dwan has all the answers for short sales and she gave them all to me! Easy enough for beginners and through enough for seasoned investors. I will make more money on deals that I would have believed dead!

Rob Peterlin

Dwan and Bill are real people teaching investing in the real world.

Ron Adams

Dwan and Bill genuinely care about teaching investors effective ways to be successful.

Robin Bugni

I had purchased the short sale program and gone through it. The boot camp really helped to drive it home. There were many questions answered that I may not have thought to ask.

Debbie Jean

My wife and I are new in this business. We’re both medical professionals making a decent living but we’re trading our precious time for money. We need a better way. Attending Bill and Dwan’s Short Sales boot camp, showed us just that. Now we just need to go out and do it!

Jose Vilo and Marjorie Vilo

Dwan and Bill’s classes are excellent. The combination of technical, know how and communication skills is what everyone needs. One without the other parts limits on your success.

Don Gasparovich

I knew what to do with 2 foreclosures. The granting of space and beingness that Dwan and Bill have for each person in the audience makes success a forgone conclusion!

Frank A. Costello

After having spent time with you at your different seminars, I have not just respect and appreciation but also a fondness for the two of you because of who you are in your hearts, minds, and characters. You teach that making money is good as long as it is done within a framework of values and with the utmost integrity and appropriate kindness toward those involved. These values are too rare, especially in what can be a very cruel and cut-throat business. I know Dwan’s health challenges have influenced your perspective on what is important in life as I have had some of my own.

Thank you for your commitment to sharing prosperity while making a positive difference through your teachings and example.

Lynda Anderson

Just to let you know the scripts and the package for the short sale do work GREAT. I handed out a couple of packages this week and had a guy call with 2 houses and another one call with a house in foreclosure. I could be working on about 4 houses this week. I have to admit the panic button is hitting a little bit.

I plan on working hard every day till I master this. You and Dwan are very special people. I know of no other organization that goes above and beyond helping students the way you 2 do. I can’t thank you enough.

Kathy Brown

My husband and I lost a great deal of money in the stock market from 2008-2009.

We were looking for a way to increase our return that was not driven by so many factors we had no control of.

We have always liked real estate and knew that most millionaires gained their wealth through it. When we looked at the opportunity in Florida we decided to take advantage of it. We were one of the first to buy properties there with Bill and Dwan. When we first started, we worked through many of the processes but feel now that there is a system in place for hands off investing. We have purchased multiple properties, and have rehabbed one to flip. Our return on investment has ranged anywhere from 12-18%. We recently had one of the properties apprised and it came in with 59% more equity after rehab. There is no where you can go where funding, property selection, rehabbing, and tenant selection, and management is done for you.

Jane -Iowa

This is Elisa Kauffman-Slack… I am emailing each of you a copy of a check that I received this past Thursday upon closing a Short Sale…..

I want to THANK EACH ONE OF YOU…. without you folks, I would not have had the courage and/or motivation to get out there and talk to people….

We had done some real estate investing and had some discouragement…. so we gave up…. but we received an email about some training and coaching you were doing….. so we took a Step of Faith…. and we joined….. GOD BROUGHT US OUR ANGELS! Your Monday morning phone calls, and all the training calls that you did through the month of December, when everyone else is busy doing Holiday stuff really kept me motivated.

Bill and Dwan….. your training call that you did regarding how to have a great first quarter in 2010 TRULY HELPED Motivate me…… like you said, “If we want to have a great 2010, get out there now at the end of 2009 and make it happen!” YOU WERE RIGHT……

We have been going through TERRIBLE hard times…. every possible thing that the enemy could throw at us… he threw….. and our bank account probably had less than $100 in it and we had just had our only vehicle repossessed, when we received this check……..I OWE IT ALL TO YOU FOLKS…. and I Thank the Lord for bringing the Teacher when the Student was ready!

GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU……. I wish I could give each of you a Hug and a Kiss…. and show you how you have changed our lives….We know that we will have more checks coming because we will not stop here……. I will continue on with your coaching and training, and I will not use the money for my own personal gain…. I know that God has meant that we are to help others…. so that is my Mission… and ALL OF YOU HAVE MADE IT POSSIBLE!

When I mail out checks to various Charities… please know that because of your down to earth Coaching and your True Care for all of us Students… you are the ones that are a BLESSING to those Charities.

Kris.. you were so WONDERFUL to me in helping me with payments etc……. you are all such helpful, REAL, and kind people…. THANK YOU

I have attached the copy of my check…. please feel free to use it as a testimony to your Training and Coaching… and please tell EVERYONE that you are not another Fly By Night bunch of Real Estate Course Sales People…… you really care about your students!

And thank you for the training calls that are TRUE TRAINING and not just a Glorified SALES call, like so many other so called, “Gurus” out there….. they don’t care about people like you do…. they just want to “Line their own Pockets”…… you all are NOT like that….

Again.. Thank you and may God continue to Bless you all… and make you all a Blessing to others.

Elisa Kauffman-Slack

Great real estate investing doesn’t get any easier than this.
Take advantage of all time low prices in a great market on the rebound.

We bought a 2/2 for only $29,0000 – with only another $14,000 in rehab costs we now own a 4/2 which will be eligible for Section 8 government assisted rent of $1250 per month. You couldn’t ask for a better cash flow. And it was made even easier because of the wonderful team of people that are in place to take care of almost every aspect of real estate investing right there in the Tampa/ St. Petersburg FL area. Hard Money lenders, real estate agents, rehab foremen, management personnel, leasing agents. They’re all in place and doing a great job. We closed on the property mid November. Rehab estimate came in on time and under budget. The house was finished before Christmas and was being shown to qualified tenants right after the new year. Communication with the team in Florida has been great. They have even sent us after photos of the rehab work. We couldn’t be more pleased. We’ve been investing in real estate in the Midwest for the past five years and have never gotten this type of service, help or returns on our money. We’re ready to come back down to FL and do it all again.

Mike & Tammy Collins

I am making some progress with this deal. I called the bank and used your bankruptcy script and they said they would ask their boss to extend the sale. The more I act like I am a pro, the easier it is to get them to do what I want them to do!

Eddie Bodkin

