
SALE!!! Fed Up Program



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Do you know the loopholes in our business? Well, Dwan shares ten of them with you today so that you can help homeowners in distress. In fact, they are the same ten options included in the FedUp package at dwanderful.com/fedup. Furthermore, Dwan rehearses the script for when you first talk to a homeowner and emphasizes the utmost importance of following up with homeowners after you’ve made the initial contact.

Also, Dwan explains loan modifications and how you will make money from option #s 3-5 in the FedUp package. Again, Dwan emphasizes the script for approaching homeowners effectively by emphasizing the word “loopholes.” Lastly, she emphasizes this week’s equity of life and invites you to take advantage of her program at dwanderful.com/noequity.

In closing, Dwan asks for you to leave a review and invites you to opt in at dwanderful.com. Thank you for tuning in, and remember the truth is in the red letters.

Time Stamps:

1:01 Dwan asks for a show of hands of how many people make less money than they think they are worth.

1:34 Dwan encourages you that she can relate and shares her story.

2:05 Dwan invites you to stick around until the end for five free gifts that will get you started on the right path.

2:13 Dwan introduces herself and shares the motto at Dwanderful.

2:34 Dwan encourages you that this is the right time to get the competitive edge that you’ve been missing.

3:16 Dwan hosts “Drinks with Dwan” to a toast of water and an update on being back in Colorado.

3:51 Dwan shares a personal story about experiencing altitude sickness.

9:51 Dwan shares why listening to Dwanderful benefits you from making mistakes and losing money.

10:41 Dwan introduces today’s topic: loopholes.

10:51 Dwan talks about the grey areas in real estate.

13:29 Dwan talks about life and the 80% that work for the man and the mentality of the other 20%.

14:25 Dwan shares the script when you first speak with a homeowner in distress.

15:37 Dwan talks about the loopholes, the ten options in her FedUp package available at dwanderful.com/fedup

17:51 Dwan talks about loan modifications.

20:42 Dwan encourages you to go back and watch her podcast titled the “#1 Reason Your Business Will Fail is Lack of Follow Up.”

20:51 Dwan emphasizes that knowing 85% of the people are going to fail on their trial period of a loan modification underscores the importance of following up.

21:51 Dwan explains how you will make money on FedUp option #s 3, 4 and 5.

22:07 Dwan shares the importance of approaching homeowners properly.

23:03 Dwan emphasizes that if you don’t follow up, you’ll always be looking for new deals.

26:38 Dwan explains why it is important to follow up with everybody you contact.

27:38 Dwan reiterates the conversation to have with the homeowner in distress emphasizing the word “loopholes.”

28:06 Dwan issues this week’s equity of life, financial, and invites you to her website to take advantage of dwanderful.com/noequity.

30:51 Dwan encourages you to volunteer this week and gives you ideas.

32:38 Dwan asks for you to leave a review, subscribe and watch on YouTube.


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